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Driving School Check List: Are You Getting Ripped Off?

Posted on June 5, 2023 by Rudy Loendorf

I've pointed out that the different forms of defensive driving school courses vary wildly in expense and type. If you are ticketed for speeding, you should check your neighborhood laws to see if defensive driving is even offered in a state.

But, if you feel defensive driving may be an option so that you can pursue, utilize this quick checklist to ensure you're researching all your potential options.

  • Look at online options. Did you know in a few states, you do not even have to visit a physical classroom. It is possible to take your defensive driving course entirely online. You don't want to spend time driving backwards and forwards for some random training facility for 8 hours each day attempting to pass a quiz and obtain relieved from your own ticket? I sure don't. I've taken defensive driving courses online and they're excellent. Usually there exists a quiz by the end of a section and several of the educational scenes are displayed in graphics. It's almost like watching a cartoon. The cartoon may not be the funniest thing you've ever watched, but it's certainly nice to view the complete course from the comfort of your house.
  • Go for the comedy option. If you cannot take action online, you may aswell have just a little comedic interlude in your driving school. Several cities' comedy clubs augment their incomes (I believe) insurance firms defensive driving school at their clubs when their regular business isn't completely session. Reports of the comedy option add the sublime to the awful (similar to comedians themselves), but when you can get yourself a good recommendation of a location in your area, give it a try. You will probably find it to become a delightfully funny experience.
  • Locations are fine and dandy, but unless you learn anything, you'll quickly end up being ticketed again. Actually, parts 1 and 2 are almost unimportant in comparison with the meat of the defensive driving experience. Learn the important parts. It could save lives. As soon as you know about driving correctly you'll save considerable time and profit the near future.
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